Monday, January 5, 2015

I'm Not There Yet, But I'll Get There

This is growth. 
To not beat myself up when I fall. 
To not make excuses for why I can't do things. 
To realize that life is a walk, not a sprint. 
To say with determination, "I'm not there yet, but I'll get there soon," not because of my own weak will, but because of the power of the Man behind me.
 It is He who will enable me day by day to look at myself in the mirror and graciously admit that I need help, and receive it. 
He will be the one who gets all the glory, because at the end of the day, when we cross the finish line, it will be His strength that supplied me with the energy to just put one foot in front of the other on those days when I wanted nothing more than to quit, give up, or die. 
He gives me the hope and the assurance that one day, I will be more than fine. 
But for now, I must keep my eyes on the prize, and by his Spirit, keep moving forward, making slow progress one day at a time.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Very Good Productive Day

The fear of failure. That is what holds me back. So no more fear. No more fear that I will repeat my ancestors mistakes. No more fear that I will join the dark side. No more fear in Jesus name. No fear. 
I'm going to live this year, really live. And yes, I'll make mistakes. But I'd rather take risks, make mistakes and live than be safe and never live at all. 

Today I, 

- Ate cinnamon rolls I prepared last night, along with some beet juice
- Spent an hour stretching and relaxing
- Contacted someone about private dance lessons
- Started my application process to a University
- Purchased a new phone
- Made a new desktop background
- Wrote a letter 
- Was just ok with who I am

Friday, January 2, 2015

Things I Resolve to Actually Do

This year, I WILL

- Go to California for the annual Bro-Am with my sister, Rachel
- Get up to a level 2 in tap, and work on strengthening my feet for pointe
- Be a better dance teacher, be exciting, be prepared
- Do everything I can to get back into college
- Lose those last few pesky pounds
- Self-publish something, and send something off to a publisher
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Be a better blogger
- Change the molecular structure of my body with good eating habits
- Fall asleep reading instead of watching tv

- When I fail, get right back up on the horse

Growth doesn't happen overnight, so stop expecting that. Learn to live with the daily stretching, the little by little going and growing.. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to say happy new year everyone! I'll tell you all my resolutions later 

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