Saturday, August 22, 2015

*Late Weigh-In Wednesday - Week 1

I am marking myself tardy as a blogger... Hence the annoying little asterisk in the title. Not gonna lie, thought about cheating a bit and just making the time marker read "Wednesday, August 19th" so that we could all read things chronologically, and be happy. But, that's cheating, and if I allow myself to cheat now, I am actually cheating myself out of a consequence which will help me be more on time later.

So, how am I doing with the weight? Well, I'm down to 131! That's two more pounds since my last weigh in. Progress! I will have to be more motivated to reach my goal of 110 by October 15th, but I can get there. I just have to average a little over 2 1bs per week.

I must confess, I failed at my rawsome challenge (eating only raw foods for 30 days), so I have to climb back up on the horse. I am doing a juice fast for 3 days (finished my 1st day yesterday!) and then going to eat only raw fruits and veggies for the next 3 days. Once I check in again, I will see how well I have progressed, and may try it again.

To be honest, one of the reasons I am even trying to lose weight is that I REALLY STRUGGLE with follow through. I come up with great ideas, strategies, and game plans, but my perseverance level is at an all time low. In order to become a better human being, I am pushing myself to do something that I have always wanted to do, and now feel is imperative. Its important to show ourselves that we CAN in fact achieve goals, especially with God at our side. My goal is to be the healthiest, most productive, and kindest person I can be. I also don't want to tell other people to do what I myself have not been able to. I have to march around my own Jericho before I can celebrate someone else's walls tumbling down.

I haven't done my official post on this yet, but I will mention it briefly here. Over the course of this year, I discovered in some very difficult ways that I struggle with mental illness, including BPD, and Manic-Depressive disorder. My heart goes out to all those who are wrestling with these issues as Christians because honestly, it can be very confusing. I plan on writing about the issues I have faced, and how I am overcoming the challenges, but for now, I am just checking in with this post am here to report that I have done pretty well this week! Managing my emotions went pretty well, I was fairly good at keeping a healthy sleep schedule, and I took my medications every day! This is a bit of a bomb to drop at the end of a post, I know, but its important for me to mention it as I am trying to be as real as I can, and to fully reconcile my life.

Very excited to make more progress!

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