Have you been doing things for people out of obligation, fear, or convenience? Are you kind to people because you know you have to be, and simply "put up" with people you consider to be "stupid" and not on the same level as your superior self? Do you lie and cover up your mistakes because you are afraid of people's opinions? Are you busy striving for all things "spiritual" while neglecting family, friends, and work? I only ask these questions because they are my personal struggles.
For so long, I thought that spirituality was the apex of life. But then I realized (after I crashed and burned spiritually) that Jesus came not so that I could live like a monk and hole myself up with a Bible. Instead, he came to change my heart, and actually give me the love, courage, self-discipline, and honesty I do not have so that I would be able live my life. I don't have warmth in my heart. I don't have the discipline to have excellence. I don't have the patience to deal with my family. That's why I need Jesus. And I don't need to "feel" him. I simply need to ask him for the strength to go on. I need the motivation of being in the good fight and the race of my life with my eyes on the prize. I need to remember that one day I will see my Lord, and I will answer to him for the way I used my time, my mind, my talents, and how I dealt with his most special creations (the other people around me).
I am not responsible for making the world perfect. I am not responsible for getting everyone saved. I am not responsible for being Jesus to people. More and more I am convinced that "Christian things" are not spiritual books, movies, or songs. They are not popular, shiny, and new. Instead, they are simple things. Christian things are cold cups of water given because you feel the thirst of someone else. Its a random hug to warm someone's heart. It's the conversations you have when you're not quitting on someone. Its playing Legos with your kid, and making them feel like the most important person in the world when you would rather be watching TV. Its putting away the dishes not so that mom sees, but to see her smile. Its getting up and going to work, doing your best, and bringing home a paycheck to your family. Its about looking at all the faults in yourself before pointing the fingers at anyone else. Its about sincerely caring for people, not drawing from our own shallow, dried up wells of love, but running to the Christ, and asking him to please give us his love for others. Its a beautiful desperation, not a fearful self-creation.
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