Monday, July 27, 2015

Those Life Lessons People Tried to Tell Me Before I Learned Them the Hard Way #1

Only when you are ready to die for something are you ready to live for it. Only when you commit to living are you ready to die.

Playing it safe, making sure you don't ever feel pain, that leads to shallowness and hollowness of character. Embrace pain.

Anyone can be a hero, honestly. There are lots of heroic things to do. They are just really small and don't get noticed and might feel mundane.

Life isn't a roller coaster, its a train ride, with stops, and the occasional wreck.

If you really care for someone, you won't be petty. If you're selfish, all you'll think about is how the whole world is hurting you.

If you make a mistake, and can't go straight to the people you've hurt and apologize, you will spend your life either alone or hopping from place to place, trying to find a marshmallow haven for your emotions that doesn't exist.

Embrace failure as a friend, and it will teach you all it knows.

Stop acting like what cereal you'll have for breakfast is at the top of God's agenda. Someone just died today because they love Jesus.

Take care of yourself and your family like God asked you to; you won't know what to do every second of the moment, but do your best and let God put the strength in your heart when you don't want to get out of bed to go to work in the morning. Remember, He's entrusted you with a small amount of people. Have their backs and don't let anyone hurt them, especially you!

Sometimes, putting the dishes away and kissing your mom is "God's will" for your life.

Stop living like you have to "hurry up and be important." EVERYTHING is important. Rome wasn't built in a day, it was built one brick at a time.

Measure your time like gold.

If you feel unimportant, ask God for two things, 1) send someone along who has it worse of than you so that you can get your head screwed on straight, 2) ask him to send you someone who needs to have a smile put on their face

What makes you think you're ready to start a family when you're running from the one you already have?

Don't beat yourself down or puff yourself up.  The Devil does a good job without your help.

If all you can think about is yourself or the weight of the world, take your meds, laugh at yourself, help somebody else, take a breath, remember Jesus loves you and you're not going to Hell, and today will be a good day.

Don't ever hate someone, even if they hate you. Also, don't hate yourself if someone else hates you. Forgive them and forgive yourself. Hatred only spawns more hatred.

Draw excellent boundaries. Become a safe haven for the people who are worth it, not because they are perfect people who have never done anything wrong, but because they are screw ups who know it, and are doing their best with Jesus helping them along.

Pick someone who is limping along with Jesus supporting them over someone who is appears strong and pulling a chain and ball.

Jesus was not a guru. Look it up.

Stop trying to be Jesus to the world. God didn't send you into the world as his only son. If he did, we'd be in a heck a lot of trouble. Let Jesus be Jesus, and you just be your little old messed up self, and all you get to do is point to him like a little kid pointing at Mickey Mouse at Disneyland.

If Satan had his way, we'd be locked away 24/7 either in a building, in our homes, or in the prisons of our minds. Don't let him have his way!

Life is just life. Its ups and downs and ins and outs, and its family and work and sweat and tears and laughter and being outside, and watching movies, and going on adventures and taking time to listen, trying to stay healthy, pleasure, admitting what a screw up you are, asking God to please help you get out of bed, asking God to please help you get over yourself, enjoying the moments when you are just breathing. Its learning how to say no to yourself, stop living for what feels good all of the time, putting smiles on other people's faces anonymously, being misunderstood, getting kicked in the teeth by the people that mean the most to you and never giving up. Its learning when to say no, and when to say yes. Its learning how to actually help people, not cripple or enable them. Its about laughing, and realizing you're not in control and you never will be. Life is life.

Stop trying to fast forward your life. If you miss out on the now, you'll miss all the good stuff.

Stop living for thrills of any kind. If you live for thrills, be they emotional, relational, physical, or spiritual, you are living for a high and avoiding a low. There are lots of drugs that don't come in powders and syringes.

When you say "I love you," but you have something in it planned for you, even a good feeling, you don't love.

Admit that you are incapable of loving anyone or anything. Only then will you begin to be capable.

Only when you have hit rock bottom can you say you've landed on solid ground.

Don't succumb to the Great Big Fear of Everything.

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