Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
A Typical Week a la 2016
Dear World,
My goodness! So much has been happening the past few months I have scarcely had time to sort out my own thoughts, let alone blog it all! However, I really want to take a few minutes to break down a week so that I can remember this time in my life. Things have been so crazy but wonderful this year!
Mondays - @ 9:30 I teach the Parent Toddler Workout at my home YMCA. I savor these mornings because I get to hang with moms and kids that I have grown to know and love over a couple of years now. I endured my terrible panic attack year with this class, and they were the thread that still connected me to the Y when I was working at the (ahem) god-awful studio... @ 10:35, I have been attending barre class! Maria kicks my butt... my gosh... my legs always feel like jelly after that class. I used to help out at the Heatherwood Preschool during this time, but I am letting that commitment go since I have... afternoon classes @ Mukilteo! I teach Creative Movement, Jazz 1, Ballet 1, and Hip Hop 1&2. All these classes have been going FABULOUSLY!! Mondays are the bomb :)
Tuesdays - Marysville... All day... sort of... I am a little erked about Tuesdays since they kinda feel like a waste of time. I have a Creative Movement class @9:45 with only a couple students. which totally changes the chemistry of that class in a negative way... The kids in that class are a little catty-bratty... Then I have Ballet/Tap @11:15. I LOVE these classes, just a couple special needs babies that make it a little challenging, but hey, that's part of the fun! Then I go home for a couple hours, and then head back to Marysville for another Ballet/Tap class @ 4:15. Then I teach a Jazz 1 and a Hip Hop 1 class. Both of those are going pretty well... I have a limited student in Jazz, which requires some patience, but I love it when she feels good about something she accomplished!
Wednesdays - @5:30 I depart for Seattle to cater a breakfast downtown at an online gambling casino office. Strange right? Its so amazing though because I've met Michael, a guy whose become like a god-uncle to me. He has cerebral-palsy that affects only his body, and we are working to put together a dance motion protocol for him to help regain some movement. We share a lot of food sensitivities and health limitations, so we are best buds! Then there's a homo-sexual with whom I am getting to slowly share Jesus' love and light, several health-seekers, a massage therapist, a woman who is on a weight loss journey, and so many more! I love them all! I feel like I've slowly been spreading the gospel of health, and I feel like over the years I'll be able to share the gospel of Jesus as well.
Thursdays - @ 9:30 I go to the Heatherwood Preschool to teach PE classes to my littles. Oh my gosh, I love those little stinkers!! I am usually soooo tired after these classes, but they are very worth it :)
In the evenings @6:30, I teach as a weight loss coach in the Lose to Win program @ my home YMCA. This has been such a rewarding and eye-opening experience. It definitely prods me to self-evaluate and eat more healthy! I love the people in my group, and I love how they support each other.
Fridays - Sometimes I sub in the mornings @ the Preschool. For the past couple months Wed-Fri afternoons have been spent @ Jackson High with the drama department. Oh my children! How I love each and every one of them! I have been SOOO blessed to have two siblings and a bunch of previously known students in the show we've put together... Plus it was a Japanese (one of my FAVORITE CULTURES) Jazz/Swing show! Did God write it for me or something? It has been so amazing to pour into these kids lives, teach them to entertain, and then be entertained by my own students as they put on a FABULOUS show... WOW!
Saturdays - @9:00 I start teaching the Baby Ballet @ my home branch YMCA, then Ballet 1, and Ballet 2. We will be adding 2 hip hop classes in Jan :D soooo excited!! After classes I will now be helping Michael from the casino with a dance motion protocol. Then, (if I have energy left) I go to a home group Bible study at the home of my long-time friend Felicia.
Sundays - I TRY TO DO NOTHING! But... sometimes I put on birthday parties @ my home branch YMCA or teach a swing class or two... I just can't stay away from work ;P
So, yeah, that's my life right now. Very busy, yet very fulfilling. I am trying to squeeze in food prep, more workouts, competitive dance, and writing in their somehow... it'll happen... yes it will.
Much love to all, hope everyone is doing well!
Monday, September 5, 2016
What is it inside me that cannot behave?
I am hungry like a lion, dying to be full
But appeasing the craving never fills up the hole
I reach for another
I reach for more
As I have reached out
So many times before
My body is ever an open door
But I only regret the things I have done
I shudder to see myself in the sun
I want to run away from everyone
Feeling there are no more good things to come
I sit in the silence avoiding my head
Running away from things I have said
Avoiding the sleepless turning in bed
Evading the sadness of life and death
Perhaps one of the reasons I must stay full
Is that my senses can then become numb and dull
I cannot feel sorrow, I cannot feel pain
I cannot feel broken, I cannot feel shame
I cannot feel want or fear or neglect
I can only feel full, and feel out of breath
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Saturday Morning Sparkle...
Friday, August 19, 2016
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
For My Mamma - The Strongest Woman I Know
After 15 years, the doctors have finally figured out what is wrong with my mom. She has an extremely rare bacteria called pseudomonas, an extremely hard to diagnose bacteria that wreaks havoc on those with compromised immune systems. Here is an article for more info.
Because my mother suffers from auto-immune diseases (lupus, celiac) her immune system was compromised from the day she was born. Auto-immune disease is hereditary, which is why I have to be a health freak (otherwise, it would be pass the Reese's peanut butter cups and cookie dough ice cream, buddy!). Little was known about auto-immune disease during my mom's childhood, so many of her symptoms went diagnosed, leading to food-driven illnesses caused by allergies, further weakening her body. By the time this strain of bacteria reached her, she was too weak to fight it off.
For a clearer picture on just how bad this illness is, let me put it into perspective:
-This illness typically effects the extremely ill (in hospitals/hospice care), or the elderly.
- People effected by this bacteria usually only live to 50, and that is if they are lucky. My mom is already at 50, so prayers she lasts to see at least one of her kids married off with grand-babies!
- The bacteria is strong that most people die very quickly after its onset. Because my mamma is a fighter (rugby player, boxed with her brothers, wanted to play football when she was a little girl... total tomboy) she literally would just NOT DIE. She did crazy amounts of research, and bought tons of supplements to help heal her body as naturally as possible, plus completely changed her diet to an anti-inflammatory one that helps keep the body alkaline. The doctors couldn't pin-point the bacteria because they literally thought she would be dead by now if that was what she had.
Finally getting this diagnosis was such a God-send... For years, I've been dealing in these murky medical ideas, not knowing what my mom had. Its such a relief to be able to say, "My mom has this," and just say it out-loud, and not feel like I'm going crazy.
This is for my Mamma, who really hates to be recognized in this manner. One day, I hope to write her memoirs because I find them deeply inspiring, and I hope to raise awareness about the complications that follow auto-immune disease in order to help those who, like my mother, suffered in silence for many years.
I love you Mamma, you're amazing :')
Just Because
Just because she can keep her chin up
Doesn't mean her neck isn't broken
Just because she can smile through pain
Doesn't mean it should never be spoken
Just because she is stronger than most
Doesn't mean she doesn't need help
Just because people abandon her need
Doesn't mean she's alright by herself
Just because she is quiet
Doesn't mean she has nothing to say
Just because she goes on
Doesn't mean she's perfectly ok
Ah Ha! I've Been Instagrammed! (Finally)
I'll be staying here for the next few days, so I can catch up on a little blogging in-between classes and planning for rehearsal/ school year stuff. Very excited for the run down this year... I've got:
- Dance classes at the Mill Creek, Mukilteo, and Marysville YMCA branches
- Personal Dance Training (my favorite!!) for ballet, lyrical, jazz, hip hop, and now swing :)
- Lose to Win (Weight loss, healthy lifestyle coaching) @ Mill Creek Y
- Choreography for Jackson High School- Production: The Hot Mikado
- Birthday Party/Family events @ Mill Creek Y
- Still doing some article writing, I plan to up my game after the craziness of the fall show ;)
- Catering just on Wednesdays still. The people there have actually asked me to speak on health and wellness and do a couple dance classes for them for their health club because I'm always telling them how to eat in the morning and talking about dance... I can't help it, dance is everything!
I'll try to be better about pictures this year. Maybe I'm a bit of a snob, but I really like taking GOOD pictures, not little cheap ones... But since I finally have an ipod now (I know, don't laugh, I'm eons behind in the tech world... you should have seen my Zune that just recently died...) I can take decent pictures without lugging out the really big, and rather cumbersome, camera. For a long time, I took pictures of everything, then nothing good happened for a long time, so I stopped taking pictures altogether. Looking back, I realize I wish I had taken more pictures of just the everyday moments, even if they were bad, because all of life should be documented, not just the good parts.
Cheers! Sorry for the looong post m'dears, have a beautiful Tuesday :)
A photo posted by Ashley Anne (@thereisabookoutthere) on
Thursday, July 21, 2016
The Only Time You've Got
"But I don't have time!"
By trying out different time management philosophies, I've discovered that time is pretty relative. Its all in the way you look at it. Remember when you were in school, how 2:00 pm felt like the end of the day? Well, 2:00 in the afternoon is now more the halfway point in my day. There is so much that can be done in those hours, but you have to think bigger than just clocking in and clocking out.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Wobbly Steps
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
A Note of Encouragement
When Your Mind Begins To Bend
Last night was one of those nights. I received a text while teaching dance classes, and I quickly looked at my phone while my students began filing in for Jazz class. These words jumped out at me; "mamma, hospital." My stomach dropped for a moment, but didn't settle there. The hospital is a joke in my family. My mom's illness is so severe, the hospitals have turned her away. Then again, the hospital is where you go when all hope is lost... so what was going on? Was tonight the night? Was death knocking on our door? I wouldn't think about it. I taught class, and resumed my happy instructor face as normal.

This has always been the problem, the pendulum swinging back and forth between all sirens blazing to a relative calm. The instability is incredibly difficult to deal with. I may come home between jobs and enjoy a few minutes of conversation and a snack with my mom, or I might end up with my hands covered in blood from cleaning out my mom's wounds, listening to her moan and moan and moan. Its maddening.
Last night, after she came home, we attacked her wounds with all the effort of old fashion surgeons. I am there, with my mother, scraping and pulling on bio-tissue that has attached itself to her skin. She swears intermittently, and I curse myself inwardly for wishing this would all go away. I am tired from working all day, but this is my real job, helping my patient. My dad is out to lunch in other room, nursing his stupid cold, and I am with my mom. The hours tick by. Its 10:00 pm. At least I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. Its 12:00 am. I can't believe this tissue is so stubborn!
Its 1:00 am. Finally, my mom tells me to go to sleep. I feel guilty for leaving her, but I am so exhausted. Why do I ever complain about getting sick? Oh my gosh, is this my life? How am I ever going to get out of this?? Who else suffers from this disease? What if we lived in a third world country where we didn't even have a roof over our head, and clean bandages, and ointment? I feel sick inside. I can't cut out the tissue that bothers her so much... I wish I were a doctor with endless resources. I wish I were a surgeon! I wish I had more energy and time to help! I wish she didn't have to suffer like this...
And my mind bends, and bends, and bends, until I can't recognize my thoughts anymore and I fall asleep. At least I know what love is, and I will take no substitution. I am lucky to see and experience so much pain, because I am really hurting, really living. I feel the purpose of life so keenly, and I will stop at nothing to make myself stronger and able to abate the pain.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Why Not?
Why don't you just do it?
Why don't you just try?
I'm caught.
Like a fish in the net.
But... what if I die?
What gives?
What's stopping you?
What's holding you back?
Faced with the truth.
I fear what I lack.
Go for the gold!
Get creative!
Give yourself the freedom to chase success!
I will be bold.
Until I have made it I will not rest.
Monday, May 9, 2016
White Keds on Black Pavement
That fight to keep them clean
Among dust and debris
Keeping off the stains
and remains of the day
By wiping them clean
and putting them away.
One mark may be sufficient
to discourage their owner.
What's the use?
They say
The shoes will only
Get dirty again!
But the one who is dedicated,
Will have a clean sole,
Solely because of the way
They control
the mess,
daily erasing the grime
from the
Friday, May 6, 2016
Life Happens... Like Stalled Vehicles and Tow Trucks...
For example...

A kind lady helped me push my car into the safety of the left hand turning lane. I've had my fair share of car troubles over the past few months, so I was hoping that my car trouble card had already been played for awhile. No such luck! Thankfully, this past year has given me a head for emergencies, and I was able to make all the necessary checklists:
1) Contact mom (who contacted father)
2) Contact work
3) Contact sister
4) Contact insurance company for roadside assistance
It was hot. REALLY hot. So, I'm half-in, half-out of the car, beginning to drip with sweat, and the insurance company says its going to take a couple hours just to get a tow truck out to my area. Well, there goes work for tonight...
My sister, Rachel, kindly came to pick me up. I was nervous about leaving the car in the road, but there was nothing else to do. We went to get a snack (bought protein bars, bad choice...), came back, and waited for the tow truck across the road, my eyes watching nervously over my little car. Dad showed up (unnecessarily, as I told him the car was safe), then left. Rachel and I proceeded to wait on this hot, sunny Monday afternoon in the car in a gravel parking lot of, ironically, an obscure mechanic repair shop.
Finally, an officer came along. I ran up to the car, explained what happened, and the officer called a tow truck for me which was (also ironically) right across the street. The guy who came was very sweet, and a little boyish. I think its so funny how things never change from the playground all through life. I could tell that he was working deftly and showing off his expertise because there was a pretty girl in need of assistance, just the way little boys show off their scars and monkey bar skills. I do not look down upon this, I applaud this, I love this, but I am not caught up in it. Maybe there is too much philosopher in me. Instead of enjoying male attentions, I find myself too often observing them from the outside, wondering about them, marveling at them, intrigued with them, protective of them, but somehow floating on their surface, face down watching them. My sister just laughs when I tell her stuff like this...
The towing company gave me a discount on the tow, and hopefully I will be reimbursed by my insurance company. A rousing way to start the week wouldn't you say?
Note: In case you find yourself broken down in the middle of the road, here are a few safety tips:
0) TURN ON YOUR EMERGENCY FLASHERS (that is the red, triangle marked button usually in the middle of your radio area). This gives people the chance to know you're having car trouble, and to get around you safely.
1) Assess the situation to see if it is safe. If you can safely and easily move your car off the road, proceed to do so. If this is not possible, it is ok to leave your car, just be sure to lock it up and remove any visible valuables.
2) If you feel unsure about the safety of your call, call 911, and they will send officers to direct traffic around you. If you feel the car is fairly safe, it is ok not to notify police, especially if your car is off-road. If you choose to leave your car in the middle of the road or if it can not be moved, its best to notify police.
3) Call or contact your insurance company online for roadside assistance. Be sure to ask the following questions (they should provide you with this info, but just in case) -
- what am I responsible for paying for?
- how far will you tow me?
- how many tows are covered by my insurance? (as you may need to be towed to one place, and then to another)
- what can I be reimbursed for in regards to towing and repair?
4) Remain in the vicinity of (nearby) your vehicle if possible until the towing company arrives on the scene.
5) Remember to be safe when crossing roads! Be careful when crossing into traffic, and wait until things are clear enough or slow enough for you to pass through safely :)
So, there's another adventure to add to my file! If you have car trouble stories, or safety tips, by all means share them with me!
Be safe!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Having a Spoonie Day? - Spoon Theory Explained
No. This was a spoonie two weeks.
Those who struggle with a chronic illness probably automatically know what I mean. But for the rest of my friends who are still healthy, wealthy, and wise, let me explain my latest demise...
Its pretty simple really, they call it the spoon theory. Lets say at the beginning of the day, I give you twelve spoons. For our intents and purposes, the spoons represent a measurement of energy output, twelve spoons being an approximate amount of energy for the average healthy person. For each thing you have to do today, you have to give me a spoon. You want to get out of bed? One spoon please. Take a shower and look presentable? That's a spoon. Go to work for eight hours, pay four spoons. You come home, and have six spoons left. Those are used for emails, a phone call, making dinner, talking to your family members, and getting ready for bed.
But lets say you wake up and I only give you six spoons. Once you get halfway through the day, no more spoons are left, you're already tired, and you can't get any spoons back. Unless you sleep. Maybe. If you try to run on fumes without any spoons, you are going to pay. You are in spoon debt. The next day, you will only have four spoons. The others have to be generated in sleep. But, your brain isn't working now because it its too tired to function properly. Your body hurts, and you can't go to sleep. You wake up with three spoons. Still tired? Oh, yeah, spoons are not guaranteed to roll over into the next day. Sorry. Slept for twelve hours and still feel tired? Try to write that email. Blank stare, huh? This is when your mind begins to melt, and taking a shower feels like kayaking Niagara falls. Just keeping your eyes open throughout the day is a success. And sleep? Oh, you crave it... You want to wake up rested so badly you can literally almost garner a sense of taste for sleep.
Imagine that you almost never have a twelve spoon day. Maybe you're lucky to have five or six. A bit depressing right? The good news is, I know a lot of health tips that help me along the way. I know I need a good thyroid medication, and the one I just got was clearly not sufficient judging by how much I needed to sleep these past couple weeks. I would literally come home from work at 7;30, crash on the couch, and wake up at 7:00 only to be just as tired at the night before. I also know that I pretty much can't eat anymore. If I do eat, it has to be superfood, clean organic eats, and green or mineral drinks. Man, I miss eating...
The other thing that really makes me down is that I can't run anymore, or work out as hard as I would like. My body is simply too weak. This, I DO NOT LIKE. I am one of those people who would probably (like Marathon) work out until I dropped dead. I love it that much. But no. I am confined in this body of mine. But that doesn't mean I can't work out. I just have to do little old lady work outs. Gosh, I almost want to cry. I wanted to be a professional ballerina or gymnast when I was little, and currently being a dance instructor, I want to push myself for my students. I will push myself though.
Maybe people will always think I am lame because of how incapable I seem. I can't put my leg over my head, I can't run miles, I can't lift weights, I can't do all the things I've always wanted to do, but I can keep moving, stay healthy, and encourage others to do so. And as for all the things I'm missing out on, sure I cry over them sometimes. I'll never just be able to eat out with young folks, or be that kickbutt instructor, or dance for hours on end. However, this life is so short, I'm just passing through. I'll collect hearts and set them free like stars, holding out in my soul for a clearer view.
Loves to all, and cheers to better weeks to come! If you are putting off doing something, do it now. Time is generous when you do not want him to be, and he never gives you back time he's already given away.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Pushing Along: Don't give up! We all have crazy days!
I just love this video... I wouldn't push the product, but I love the premise. Our lives, are officially crazy!!
We all have good days. We all have bad days. Most of us have busy days, lots of busy days. I have been putting a LOT of effort into looking my best, hacking my way to better health, and consistently trying to improve in my daily living, but not too long ago, I was one of those young whipper-snappers who stayed up too late, arrived to work looking like I just rolled out of bed, and wasn't really on my game.
Friday, April 15, 2016
I Am Not Happy Unless My Hands are Dirty

Wake up my dear, you were made to grow things up from the dirt.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Fly on the Wall
I can fly
But I am small
I am the fly upon the wall
I have perspective
But I am little
Many voices make me quiver
I wash my hands
to make them clean
But the washing's never seen
I see things
Others cannot
But my voice is soon forgot
I was made
to be this way
To always move and never stay
I fight storms
Across the seas
But should nobody notice me
I will rejoice
And recall why;
For only the spider takes note of the fly
Monday, April 11, 2016
The Year (so far) in Pictures
Hope you had a good weekend, and are ready for Monday. I spent some time planning and (my love of cleaning) organizing things this weekend, including photos. For some reason, my ears and throat are all infected, but I thought, "Hey, while I'm down, I might as well tackle a small art project," so here it is!
Below are some of my favorites, but you can check out the full album here: CLICK
Saturday, April 2, 2016
The Joy of Personal Responsibility
Living is hard. If you think it's easy, you haven't lived long enough yet. The road is dark and trecherous, but also thrilling. That is, if you know that life is a game meant to be played, and which rules to follow.
My generation is plagued by doubts, fears, and irresponsibility. I'm not afraid to say it. Many of us have grown up in broken homes, have learned few life skills, and even fewer of us have learned how to take good risks and take ownership of our lives. Our future is uncertain at best, but then again...
When was the world ever a perfect place? What country has ever had the privilege of containing only perfectly intact families? What person ever had 100% perfect parents? Who has ever had the perfect job with no boring or hard days? The answer to all of these questions is simply NEVER. Nowhere in history did anyone ever have a perfect life.
There was, however, a perfect man, and he encouraged freedom from the various matrixs we live in, finacially, spiritually, and physically. This was not so we could sit about in trances, feeling our way to paradise, but so that we could recognize the game for what it truly is. It was never about money, power, friendship, or fame. It is about learning our strengths and conquering our weaknessness, feverishly working out our lives when we must, and trusting that God has our backs when things are beyond our power.
Our concept of perfection, born in Eden, has been lost in this dimension forever. We must stop our futile attempts to return to Paradise on earth, and instead recognize that it is slaying the daily dragons of our lives that will shape our souls into joyful beings, no matter our circumstances.
It is not what is handed to us, but rather what we create, nuture, and maintain that will make us who we truly ought to be.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
My Top 10 Favorites This Month

I thought I'd take a few moments before I hit the hay tonight to share some of my top ten favorite things from this month.
1) Red Velvet Cake Birthday Cake. Yes, it was my birthday this month (on the 15th to be exact). I am now a whopping 23. For some reason, I was ready to be 24 this year. After many failed experiments with red velvet cake last year, I finally succeeded in making a red velvet cake that looks as good as it tastes! I'll be posting that recipe on Earthy Kitchen soon, so stay tuned!
2) Vintage movies. Can't get enough of 'em. My mom has been down for the count, so we just bundle up and watch movies on the weekends together. Been enjoying lots of Dick Tracy detective stories, and found a new Cary Grant movie called The Great Adventure. Super cute! And thought its not exactly "vintage," I've been enjoying the late 90's/early 2000's show "Early Edition." Gotta love Kyle Chandler.
3) Work. Yes! I actually enjoy my work! Working with children is so very rewarding, and I've been blessed enough to get to see "my kids" as I call them on a regular basis, both in the dance classroom and the daycare where I work. I've also been brought on to the catering company I work for on a weekly basis at my favorite venue on Wednesdays. I was ready to do just about anything, even giving up all my fun work and going to another steady desk job, and I just asked God to send me work, and I've been getting hired left and right. God knows what to give to the willing!
4) Beauty Treatments. I am totally digging my makeup regime. Its easy, about 20 min, and it lasts the whole day! I've also been much better about keeping up my skin by eating right and cleansing properly. I feel and look much better!
5) Style. Pinterest has changed my whole world, and my whole wardrobe. Really loving the Boho/Hippie style right now, along with the basic dancer look. Fashion is an extension of one's personality, and I like what is coming out of my heart and my closet right now.
6) Being a role model. When I see little eyes looking up at me, full of love and wonder, I am amazed and honored. Children are what life is all about. As an adult, you have the opportunity to make little people who are completely dependent on you feel safe, loved, and provide them with magical moments. Don't miss a single opportunity to make an impact!
7) Staying in the moment. When I speak to people, I really try to stay in the moment with them. This has become easier the more that I've practiced the skill. I want to make whoever I am speaking with feel valued, respected, and heard, no matter who they are, or how long I've known them. I want to do my best work right now. I want to be fully present in my heart, mind, and body. This is the moment, embrace it.
8) Being consistent. There is this phrase that is scribbled in a Switchfoot photo in the album "Hello Hurricaine." It goes "You was it once, could you be it again?" That phrase echoes my artistic and ethic sentiment. I always wonder, "If I make it once, can I keep going? Can I be the same, on the spot person all the time?" The truth is, I can't be perfect, but I can consistently try, consistently improve, and consistently refuse to give up on myself.
9) Silly Conversations. I love silly conversations, especially with my siblings! We laugh, we swap inside jokes, and we always have something to share in a way that makes the other person giggle.
10) Getting inspired. Pinterest, fellow bloggers, walks in the park, good music, and Michael Jackson... lots of Michael Jackson ;)
So, those are my top ten at the moment. What about you?
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Sometimes - A Poem of Grief
There is nothing to do
But cry
I stop and I just wonder
I sit wide awake
and I weep
All I can think to do
Is sleep
I scream so soft
No one hears me
Silence rings too loud
Too clearly
I think of you, just you
and smile
The pain is worth it
For awhile
I wish we could all
Be alone
I ache for the place we
Called home
Just sometimes...
But then there are times...
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Simple and Free by B.B. Hatt
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Stop Waiting For the Big Moment
Stop waiting for the big moment.
It will never come.
You will never feel like getting out of bed and tackling the day on hundred percent of the time. Rise and seize the day regardless of your emotion.
You will not always want to be wise with your money, your time, your body or your brain. Resist the urge to self-destruct.
There is never a perfect time to start a project. Start them anyway. Nothing that is finished will ever be perfect. Finish things without thought of their perfection.
Don't wait until the time is right to do things. Just be a person who always does things.
Accept life's challenges with grace, dignity, and faith. Don't wait for handouts or embrace entitlement.
Stop waiting for the moment when you will feel like an adult. It will never happen. If you feel ill-prepared, seek the knowledge of those who have gone before you. Get your hands beautifully dirty by living life. Don't settle for distant, dusty knowledge, get to know things up close, personally and practically.
Don't fear losing your life. Fear losing the game of life. For that is what life is, a game. The moment you were born, the difficulty level was set, your tools were handed to you, and the universe couldn't wait until you awakened to your consciousness and embraced the meaning of life.
And what is the meaning of life? It is not how much you can gather for yourself, or how much you can take, but rather how much you can create and give away. That is to reflect the image of God, to be like our father who pulled from the depths of himself at great personal cost to give us life and love. That is why creativity is so vitally important. The moment we stop creating, we start stealing and we lose the point of life. How many people have gaping wounds from stolen childhoods, stolen marriages, stolen kisses, stolen innocence. Be one who creates, who needs no one but God and their own soul to create something beautiful and then give it away.
Don't wait one more day to start living. Life never gets easier, just different. Face the challenges, prepare for them and surmount them. Don't forget that the idea that life will come crashing in with huge waves of importance is largely untrue. Life is the daily drip, the leaky roof, the little raindrops that eventually flood your existence. It is easy to see a wave coming. It's easy to ignore a drip.
Stop waiting for something to come to you. Go towards the thing itself. If you wait, it will never come.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
My Life Is a Movie. All I Need is a Rockin' Soundtrack

Spring is double-down time. It used to be get-all-my-homework-done-before-spring-break-time. Now its get-all-my-teacher-planning-and writing done-while cleaning and organizing the home time! For that, I need a soundtrack. One of those peppy, go-get'em-girl ones that make you want to use your hairbrush as a microphone in bathroom while you deep clean.
I've always been a fan of the 2007 Emma Roberts version of Nancy Drew. It has some great music, like Blue Monday by Flunk, and When Did Your Heart Go Missing? by Rooney. I also love the music from Ramona and Beezus with Selena Gomez, Princess Diaries 1&2, and the quirky, cute modern version of Pride and Prejudice with Orlando Seale.
Now I'm adding the soundtrack from Austenland to my collection, which is a hilarious movie with a near perfect blend of peppy, upbeat, pleasantly girly music. Lets rock this Spring everyone!!
ashley anne
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Found This In My Inbox This Morning, Possibly the Best Valentine I Will Ever Recieve...
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Afraid to Say It
The tension that walks in the room
Like another person,
an Entity, a Thing.
We all sense it,
But we are too afraid to say it.
We can't speak
Or we won't speak,
Either way, its just as bad.
Generations go by,
and old ideas are passed off
and repackaged,
the ones that are designated
"Safe to open" by our predecessors.
But I want to live dangerously,
even Defiantly.
I will not speak merely about
what others have deemed "safe."
For what is safe anyway?
At any moment, the molecules of my body
might give way to some galactic infrastructure
Collapsing under the very weight of my existence
Don't you see? No one is safe.
So why should I pretend?
I have seen the way our faces light up,
the way they fade,
what makes them darken, harden,
I've seen what makes us bleed.
I've seen the things that make us laugh,
Smile, blush, even love,
and yet no one talks about them.
Its as though all the great secrets of the universe
are the ones we long to Discover,
and finally find in some dusty corner of the attics of our minds,
But having been told that we alone have found them,
we all waltz by them,
Barely lingering over the things of true Importance,
and Immersing ourselves
in the pretense of the day.
I protest.
You might as well lock me up,
For I am not Afraid to Say It.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
I Heart February
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Via Pinterest |
Happy February!
I love February, I really do. It may be the month of romance and rejection to some, but I really enjoy seeing all the cute stuff in the stores, the flowers, the hearts the chocolate, the whole shabang. While many believe that main point of Valentine's is to monopolize on people's romantic relationships, I truly enjoy the childhood classroom memories, the sweets, and the chance to give people a little something special just a little after Christmas and before their birthday.
I also "heart" February because its a gift of the second go around. If you feel like you've failed in January, you always have another go in February. How do you feel you did when it came to those new year's resolutions? I have been pretty proud of myself lately. Instead of shooting myself in the foot, sighing, and then saying "ah, heck with it!" and shooting the other one, I have actually slowly made progress.
Take today for instance. Things were not going particularly well at all this morning (couldn't find my keys, found them, lost them again, felt tired and groggy, frog in my throat, got called in to sub while the house was a mess, got locked out of the house on the way home, phone died on the way back from teaching classes tonight...) but despite all that, I was able to keep my chin up.
While driving to my class, I was able to call ahead because I was running later than normal, have them set up the room, and calm myself down (I was a bit stressed after the fast clean and jetting to work) while running through class material in the car. It was AWESOME!!
No, I haven't met all my goals yet, but I'm working towards them, and I'm being less self-destructive.
Whatever your goals are this year, you CAN achieve them! Its just one good decision followed by another one. You'll be a pro at this in no time! Keep going, its going to be worth it!
ashley anne
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Be The Hero. Be Brave.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
I Refuse to Break
I'm slowly dying
The things that I want so much
Are the things I can never touch
But I will never break
I've taken what I thought
I could not take
Every time you do me wrong
I just end up getting strong
I refuse to break
I simply refuse to break
Though my heart
Was made of glass
I'm pullin' pieces
From the trash
and I am melting them down
To a substance that astounds
I will amaze myself with what I take
Shoot at me, honey
I don't break
Keep on firing
My will is untiring
My blood is gushing out
Wounds made by your mouth
But I can't ever break
Because I promised that
I would plant my stake
I know you're in the wrong
But I'll be strong
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Catching Full Arch Rainbows
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Productive Thinking
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by Francesco Mugnai |
Today, I've been thinking.
I've been thinking about thinking, and what I think about. As an author, and someone who spends an excessive amount of time up in her head, thoughts are extremely important to me. Coming out of a season of relentless panic attacks and intrusive thoughts, I am enjoying a clearer mind and feel that I'm regaining control of the theater of my mind's eye. My mental repose has left me wondering, "How much time have I wasted on non-productive thought?"
Honestly, I'd have to say a huge portion of my life has gone down the drain. Through my teen years, much of my thought life had to do with fantasies, either in book form, or my own. By fantasy, I mean an escape to another reality, often grandiose or magical in nature. I have always liked fantasy, but lately, I've found myself questioning its validity all together.
My personal experience with fantasy adventures mostly left me pining, longing for something I couldn't have, expecting things that would never be, and comparing others to standards that were impossible to attain. I'm sure I learned some valuable things along the way, but a vast portion of it was simply an emotional escape. I think everybody tries to escape. Its a way to cope. Some drown out the world in alcohol and drugs, others fill up or empty themselves of food. Lots of people use music to block out the noises they don't want to hear, or turn on the TV or bury themselves in a book to avoid looking at the real world around them. Others slap the bandaid of religion on the dying and feel superior for doing so.
But what if we, instead, looked at the real world and saw the pain, listened to the world and heard the crying, and then used our brains and our emotions to do something about those problems... Wouldn't things slowly but surely become better?
I don't think I'm trying to knock fantasy as a genre or as a thought form completely. I would simply ask you and I start thinking about how we think. What fills up our brains? How much time do you dedicate to solving problems instead of wallowing in or running away from them.
Don't misunderstand me, I love a good story, and I love movie night as much (maybe more) than the next guy. I just think that maybe our escapism would work out better if we could, in those moments of suspended reality, learn how to solve problems and bring those solutions home.