I just love this video... I wouldn't push the product, but I love the premise. Our lives, are officially crazy!!
We all have good days. We all have bad days. Most of us have busy days, lots of busy days. I have been putting a LOT of effort into looking my best, hacking my way to better health, and consistently trying to improve in my daily living, but not too long ago, I was one of those young whipper-snappers who stayed up too late, arrived to work looking like I just rolled out of bed, and wasn't really on my game.
There were many reasons for my slap-dash mode of life, many of them health related which is why I have become so passionate about healthy living. As I have slowly improved over the past few months, I realize that I have become something of that girl whom I admired. You know, the one who always has a band aid on hand, a full tank of gas, an extra sweater, and makeup that actually holds up throughout the day. But I had to fight to get to where I am. When you come across people who seem to have it all together, don't take their "togetherness" for granted. Chances are, they push themselves behind the scenes far more than you will ever realize. Those people have crazy mornings, hectic afternoons, and moments when they just want to quit. The trick is, hacking yourself at the moment when you just want to say "What the heck!"
I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. I just want to be an encouragement to those who feel like they aren't going to make it, like they will never succeed. I used to look at people who had it all together and wonder, "How do they do that?" First of all, you have to be healthy and have energy. Second, understand that this robotic age demands far more of us than we will ever be able to output. And third, remember that you can always improve. This life is real, and noisy, and busy, but we are able to overcome its challenges one at a time. We can do it!! Don't give up!!
Pushing Ourselves Along
I used to look longingly at the girl over there,
Wondering how she lives so well.
She smiles and laughs,
And works tirelessly,
While I seem to toil
and spin my wheels in vain.
But slowly I learned,
Crawling I inched
Closer to the person
I wished to become.
And as I see others behind me now,
I want them to know
If they wonder how I live
That I am not perfect;
I'm often tired
As I work and laugh
But I have achieved
And so can they
So can we all
If we keep pushing
Ourselves along
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