Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Verse 7

Psalm 37:5

Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him and he will help you.

Couldn't have said it better... I can't wait to meet King David in Heaven!


  1. It's so true. A friend was telling me at breakfast that she had been studying for her French test but did not feel like it was soaking in. When I am in that situation I pray. She is an athiest, so I was not sure what to tell her. Perhapse it was a chance to share Christ with her and I missed it... hopefully I will be more aware next time an opening happens.

  2. Awww... I'll be praying that you'll be brave ;) Yeah, its so different having a relationship with God because he really is our friend who can help us with everything. Speaking of, I'm not so afraid of driving anymore! I'm happyish!


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